MEMBER NAME: MustLuvJesus92

AGES: 14, 17, 25
LOCATION: Eldorado, Texas
LOOKING FOR: Marriage, children, years of mental and physical abuse, forced sex in the name of god.
LOGGED IN: 1 hour and 46 minutes ago
ABOUT US: We love to work hard and play hard, and are as comfortable in jeans as we are in homemade smocks. Our sister wives and families are very important to us. We'd be happy with a night out on the compound, or just cuddling on the couch watching Grey's Anatomy. We're not paying members so contact us at our member name plus the third word in John 3:16 at the place with the little yellow running man. Met fans, and those who don't accept Christ as their savior need not apply.
There could even be a "Success Stories" section:

I signed up for a premium membership after a friend suggested I try your site. I'm so glad I did. Me and my five underaged wives are so happy together. Thanks Polygy-date.
Jebediah, Martha, Mary, Elizabeth, Abigail, Margaret
Idaho Falls, Idaho
At $39.99 a month per customer, and some banner ads paid for by the Church of Latter Day Saints, this could be a real money maker. Interested investors may contact me.